Thursday, October 17, 2024

What’s on your Mind? (2 Mins read)

October 10th has been marked as World Mental Health Day. The theme line for World Mental Health Day 2024 goes like this: "It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace". It highlights the need for mental health support in the workplace, schools, universities, etc. creating a mentally robust environment.

How about our school be a safe and healthy environment to study and work in? Can the students and staff testify that it is a conducive place to learn and grow?

No doubt 21st-century minds are constantly buffeted with cynical, depressive thoughts. Thoughts are quite complex & challenging to most of us. Some of you reading these lines could be depressed, neglected by family & friends, outcasts from the community, and emotionally down. “Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever through one’s head”- Mark Twain

Our mindset makes the difference and determines our mental well-being. Our minds are too busy and complex for us to comprehend. Mind is also critical and does not let us make the right decisions. Most of us are at the crossroads of our lives victimized by our emotions thinking about which direction to go. Our minds are often clouded with uncertainty and confusion.  

Conversely, our mind seldom looks like a rainbow, radiating its rays, shining and creative. It's in our hands to keep our minds alive. Let's set our minds to ponder worthy thoughts to celebrate minds radiating light.

How can we protect ourselves from falling into this pit of self-destruction and the onslaught of toxic, harmful thoughts that come from within and around us? God can protect and renew our minds, making them creative, and powered with positive thoughts. All that we need to do is to make Him known. Let positivity push us forward. "Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." — Albert Einstein

Let us be determined to challenge ourselves to keep our minds healthier and stronger.

Our Mind Matters!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Why Death when there is Life to live? (3 min Read)

 (September being World suicide prevention month. I dedicate this article to all the youths of our Nation)

The statistics concerning suicide rates in our country are alarming. Around 7 lakh people die committing suicide every year in our country. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15–19-year-olds. 77% of global suicides occur in low-and middle-income countries.

The incidence of student suicides continues to surpass both population growth rates and overall suicide trends. Over the last decade, while the population of 0-24-year-olds reduced from 582 million to 581 million, the number of student suicides increased from 6,654 to 13,044. (Source: IC3 Institute)

Life in this 21st century is not an easy cakewalk for most of us. Young minds are constantly assaulted with negative thoughts and mixed ideologies affect their Mental Health. Utter chaos and busyness is the state of their mind. Where can one get help and find solace in such troubled moments?

As human beings, we are made with intrinsic worth. No doubt we are wonderfully created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). We are not just an accident on this planet, without any purpose. We are specially crafted by God and our lives are in His hands. We have no right to take our lives. God is the sole owner of our lives. The clay learns submission only in the hands of the potter. Are we like the clay submitting in His hands?

Suicide is surely a cowardly, devilish act when we don’t dare to face life’s challenges. “Winners never quit; those who quit never win”. we are called to soar high like an eagle. Never look down and walk without hope. There is a ray of hope and light for you in the following lines.

Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
    his understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the faint,
    and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
    and young men shall fall exhausted;

31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.
 (Isaiah 40:28-31)

As you read these lines (whoever you may be) allow these words to speak to you and take a grip on your life. Make a simple prayer in the place where you are right away and place your life into the hands of God.  You will be a changed person with renewed strength to face life’s challenges.

Rest is assured from God as you read and reflect on these comforting words of Jesus in Mat 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Respond to this invitation. Ask for immediate help if you have any suicidal thoughts. Seek the help of your friend, family member, or a trusted counselor without any delay. Talk to anyone whom you are comfortable with and get help. There is so much to live in this present life. You’re not alone in this fight. 


Saturday, December 23, 2023


1.    Know the Reason for this Season.

Mat 1:21 – “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Jesus is the reason for this season. Not Santa, music, or anyone should be the focus in this season.

Jesus, the One who holds all things together, chose to enter this world in the humblest form—a small, helpless babe. Jesus’ birth is the greatest gift we will ever receive, which is why we celebrate!

2.    Saturate your hearts by Reading God’s Word.

Let us read the Gospels, especially the birth narrative passages to warm our hearts during this season. You version offers the 25-day advent reading plan for those who need it handy to read and meditate. The question is, do we desire to read God’s word during this season though plenty of versions are available for us to read?

To read the whole story of Jesus’ birth, someone suggests this order below.

  • Luke 1:26-38
  • Luke 2:1-7
  • Matthew 1:18-25
  • Luke 2:8-21
  • Matthew 2:1-12
  • Mark 1:14-15

Reading these passages together as a family during this season is recommended.  

3.    Meaningfully Pray during this season.

Luke 2:36-37 - And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, 37 and then as a widow until she was eighty-four] She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day.

Bible exhorts us to pray meaningfully all the time not just for this particular season. Today we have time for everything except prayer. We are so busy caught up with various activities during this season that we don’t have time for prayer.

Like Anna let’s dedicate ourselves to quality time of prayer this season.

4.   Repent from any sin or any sinful patterns in our life.

Christmas Advent is a good season to search our hearts as we pray and confess our wrongdoings to God. Confession renews our relationship with God and with others.

Ps 32: 5 - I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.

5.    Enjoy Singing songs that Glorify God.

We often get delighted with Carols, and musical evenings during this season. Have we paused and thought about the meaning of the songs we listen to?

The fact is we are interested most of the time in entertaining songs and only music gets our attention. This Old Christmas hymn is rich in its meaning.

Hark! the herald angels sing,
  “Glory to the new-born King;
Peace on earth, and mercy mild;
  God and sinners reconciled.”
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
  Join the triumph of the skies;
With angelic hosts proclaim,
  “Christ is born in Bethlehem.

As we generally hear this song during this season, the song begins with a triumphant proclamation of Jesus' birth, describes the fact that He is both God and man and then praises Him for the salvation He was born to provide

6.   Remember to Worship God.

Worship has become a burdensome duty for many of us. We have lost the delight with God, because of worries and anxieties in life.

The excitement of Christmas has been lost in our hearts. Many other things occupy our hearts during this season like shopping and eating plans. We have forgotten to bow down and worship this king who was born. Anna sets a good example for all of us. Luke 2:38a - Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God.

7.    Keep your Celebrations simple and Christ-focused.

Shopping Malls, Churches, and houses are mostly decorated during this season. Decorations and spending are not wrong in itself. shopping is not bad nor finding a good deal is not wrong during this season. But when it consumes us and becomes more important than Jesus it is an idol. Is Christ our focus during this season?

8.   Learn to Give during this Season

The Bible says in Acts 20:35 “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. Most of the time we are interested during this season in the gifts we receive rather than giving to others. It could be anything money, clothes, or our time. Let’s prayerfully consider giving to the needs of others this season.

Charles Swindoll captures the idea of giving succinctly “Some gifts you can give this Christmas are beyond monetary value. Mend a quarrel, dismiss suspicion. Give something away anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Give as God gave to you in Christ, without obligation, or announcement, or reservation, or hypocrisy”.

9.   Not to miss the Essentials in our Celebrations

Love – Joy – Peace – Hope (Read the recent blog post) 

10.  Do not forget to share the Message of Christmas with others.

Luke 2: 38 – “And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem”.

Ask God to open your eyes and mouth to the opportunities to share the message of Christmas with those around you—your family, friends, and strangers. we may not even see some of them next year so let us capitalize on the moment with others to share the love of Christ.

Ann Voskamp the Canadian author & blogger puts it aptly in her words

“We’re ready for Christmas, not when we have all the gifts, but when we are ready for Christ—when we’re ready to give all of ourselves to Christ.”

Let God help us to prepare our Hearts during this season.

Allow Christ to be born in your hearts. You will never regret making this decision today.  



Blessed Christmas season & New Year Greetings!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Essentials During The Christmas Season (3.5 mins read)



Do we find true love in this world when all our relationships are failing? Love has become so complex and twisted for those who live in this generation. The love we show or receive today is strings attached with a lot of expectations. The Bible describes the state of love vividly in Mat 24:12 “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold”.

Christmas message is something special and warm that reminds us God so loved us that he gave his only son to be born in this world and that he should die for us one day for the forgiveness of our sins on the cross. He was born to die for all of us. What an amazing sacrificial love it is.


The well-known song Joy to the World exhorts its listeners with these words: “Let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare Him room,” meaning that each person is called to embrace Jesus Christ, as both Savior and King.

Luke 2: 10 “And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people

We live in a world of intimidation that keeps us fearful to face life. Whether at schools, universities, offices, and within family fear is a real threat to true joy.  

Joy is not dependent on any circumstances. Joy is something we can experience even when we go through pain and suffering.

Let's experience this Joy that God can give us through his son Jesus and spread the fragrance of joy around us this season.


Across the world, people are deprived of peace. Nations need peace between the borders. Families need peace at home. Working professionals need peace at the office. Where to look for this peace? Jesus said in Jn 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Talking about peace on earth is popular at Christmas time, and appropriately so, for Jesus did come to bring peace. Primarily, He came to bring us peace with God, which is what Charles Wesley meant when he penned the song Hark the Herald Angels sing, "God and sinners reconciled." We all have sinned against God; we have broken His commandments and thus made ourselves His enemies. God in Christ made reconciliation a possible reality for all of us.

The question we need to ask ourselves is have we reconciled with this Holy God and have made peace with Him?

Romans 5:1 - Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


This is the season of hope for all the hopeless conditions that we go through in our lives.
Where can we find hope in all our hopelessness?

God’s simple solution for man’s complex problems and hopeless situations is a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

If you believe this Jesus as you read through these lines then Love – Peace – Joy and hope is yours eternally. These essentials are assured for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today is the day for us to confess all our wrongdoings (which the bible calls our sins) to Jesus and believe what he died for us on the Cross taking our sins and shame. Let us surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and accept him as our Lord and Savior to be a new person all together. 2 Cor 5: 17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Christ will be born in our Hearts by faith to bring this newness and we can enjoy these realities experiencing true love, and unspeakable Joy filled with peace in our hearts. Christ in us is the Hope of glory. This is an incentive for us to celebrate this season meaningfully.  

Romans 15: 13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Have a Blessed Christmas season!

Gloria Deo!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Empty and Noisy


 I know the saying Empty vessels make more noise. Empty, dry, and purposeless is what we often feel deep inside of us? No doubt we are living in a noisy and dusty world. If not mindful, our minds can easily become dirty and our life seems purposeless. 

One rainy afternoon as I stepped outside my house, I saw an empty water bottle tossed on the road making its squeaking noise as it gets hit by the tires of the cars and trucks. This thought flashed in my mind that it is similar to a life without purpose, empty, wandering on the road of life here and there and not serving its purpose. I pondered on that and asked myself does that resemble my life at this juncture?

A life well lived in the past does not guarantee a life of purpose in the present. Every day needs a reminder of who we are and for what we are made for? Also, every day demands the renewal of our minds to understand our purpose in this life.

We do a lot of stuff every day to keep ourselves awake, busy, and occupied and still, it is possible that we feel empty and hide our emotions behind the carpet of the busyness of work. But God in His wisdom knew our hearts are weak, lonely, crazy, and most often empty.  The noise of our silence within us is bothering and makes us ask why we are living such a life?

Surely our silence is guilty silence before our Holy God. God in His great Love and Mercy sent his only son Lord Jesus to save us from this wretched condition of our hearts and mind to have a right standing with God and experience the plethora of His peace and His grace in our lives. The greatest delight in this life is to have meaning and purpose in knowing that we are adopted into the family of God and called children of God (Eph 1:5).  

The question is do we know this God who is so Merciful, so Loving and All-knowing?

Let our minds be deeply saturated with God and His presence every day to overcome fear and Sin. We need to humbly meet God every day (10-15 mins) with all our load of trouble and heaviness of heart.  It is our individual responsibility to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Prov 4:24; Ro 12:1-2; 2cor 11:3).

Enjoy God in simple ways for this is the chief end of man in this life!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

What to do when we don’t know what to do... (Lockdown days)

1. Thank God that you are alive and able to breathe the air. Ask God why he has spared you?

2. Don’t be gripped by fear and anxiety as many leave this world. God is in complete control and our lives are in His hands.

3.Don’t be greedy to hoard more things. Spare for others and lend a helping hand to someone who is in need.

4. Skip a meal in a day (if you can) and feed the hungry and the needy ones (Isa 58).

5. Learn to be quiet in the presence of God and be silent before God.

6. Spend ample time in reading God’s word and meditate during these stormy times and record your notes as God speaks.

7. Keep yourselves industrious at home, cultivate a new habit, and share those fun experience with others.

8. Learn and master a new skill during this difficult time, that which can help you in the days to come.

9. Make a call to a friend who is in need of help, someone who is lonely and depressed that you can be a source of encouragement.

10. Set aside your mobile phone /gadgets for some time and spend quality time with your loved ones.

11. Create a blog and personally journal your thoughts about God, people whom you love, things that you cherish most.

12. Be wise and take all precautions in protecting yourselves (wear a mask, sanitize) and your family.  

13. As you wash your hands repeatedly, be reminded that the blood of Jesus alone can remove the dirt of your hearts (1 Jn 1:9).

14. Please do not forward immediately any fake news that you receive without verifying it. Let’s stop the lies.

15. Stay away from negative people and be positive in your thinking.

16. Learn to smile at others, it is contagious. You will not lose anything.  

17. Trust God, and do not fret (Psl 37).

18. Serve God in whatever ways he open doors for you (Rev 3:8).

19. Be always thankful!

20. Keep the faith and keep going through all your storms.

Monday, April 26, 2021


1 Peter 4:7-11

Now the end of all things is near; therefore, be serious and disciplined for prayerAbove all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. 10 Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, it should be as one who speaks God’s words; if anyone serves, it should be from the strength God provides, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. (HCSB)


Date – (62-64 AD) – Nero’s time

AD 70 - Destruction of Jerusalem temple.

Also, it was a time of severe persecution.

“…‘the end of all things’ here is the entire end of the Jewish economy in the destruction of the city and temple of Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the holy people… It is quite plain that in our Lord's prediction the expressions ‘the end,’ and probably ‘the end of the world,’ are used in reference to the entire dissolution of the Jewish economy” (Expository Discourses on 1 Peter, vol. Ii. Pp.292-294).

These are vital signs of a healthy Christian life.

1st Ethic - Be watchful for Prayer  v.7

·       Many of us could possibly become weary of praying. Especially times like this. Easily we become prey to the devil and stop praying.  

·       Luke 18:1 – Lord Jesus said to his disciples – don’t give up praying.

·       As we are living in last days – make prayer a non-negotiable discipline in your life.

·       If we fail to pray now we will fail to pray even later.

·       It is time for all of us to be watchful and pray. 

     2nd Ethic - Love one another intensely v.8

·       Today we know relationships are falling apart. Losing its value & meaning.

·       1 peter 1:22b - By obedience to the truth, having purified yourselves for sincere love of the brothers, love one another earnestly from a pure heart

·       Not only the love of many has become cold today, but it has frozen. Only God needs to break our hardened hearts and show us what love is – He demonstrated it for all of us on the calvary. Pure and sacrificial love.

·       Have you received or understood this unconditional love on the cross?

·       Ro 5:5 - Apostle Paul says – "God has poured out His love into our hearts through His spirit".

·       Spirit of God can help us in loving even tough and difficult people.

3rd Ethic  - Be Hospitable v.9

·       We are not living in isolated islands. We are living in close communities.

·       Now this pandemic has even made this more miserable. keeping our doors closed for others.  

·       Romans 12:9-13 - Apostle Paul also speaks this in the context of spiritual gifts.

     Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in   zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

·       How as families and individuals we can show this hospitality in times like this?

4th Ethic - Use your spiritual Gifts to Glorify God. Vv 10,11

·       Here in this passage, we see serving gift and speaking gift. Every believer in Christ will have at least one spiritual Gift. (1 cor 12, Ro 12, Eph 4, 1 Pet4)

·       If you ask me why there is no growth in our spiritual life? I would say it is because we haven’t discovered our giftedness yet.

·    Do you know what spiritual gift/ gifts you have? Discover it and use it. 


All these ethics will make sense only if you are born again.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead".   1 Pet 1:3

Believe in the Gospel and be saved. Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross. He was buried and raised on the third day. He will come back as he promised to judge the world and take us home.

Let God bless our hearts and give grace to all of us to practice these end-time ethics and bring glory to his name.

Note: This message was shared virtually on 22.4.2021 on the Memorial Thanksgiving service for late Mrs.Glory Jacob (My grandmother).


What’s on your Mind? (2 Mins read)

October 10 th has been marked as World Mental Health Day. The theme line for World Mental Health Day 2024 goes like this: "It is Time ...