Why Death when there is life to live.

If God has planned out life for everyone why do we want to choose Death? Or in other words, when God has planned best for each one of us why do we want to bring it to end abruptly. Does it not disappoint the maker of our lives? Is it not just a mere escapism to end our life, and not having the courage to face the realities? Does not the potter have the rights towards his own clay? If that is true why we become so cynical towards life. The confusions and chaos around us makes us more miserable for this death to advance in our lives.

Life in this new age is getting tougher and tougher that we tend to live without any sense of purpose and meaning. The suicidal tendency increases in a faster pace in this post modern generation is all because, when we are aloof of God and his purposes. The fact about celebrities is that the only thing they can do in secret is committing suicide. This not only with the famous ones but also with the student community as a whole is facing such pathos. Very much happy and flamboyant on the outside but the inside cries out in loneliness and life seems to be very much shallow. Where did all the public show up go? Can the world or any ideology give hope at this juncture? Let’s look at a small and simple illustration that unpacks the message.

One day a man full of sorrow and with depressive mood went to a physiatrist and said all of his sorrows and depressive thoughts. So looking at the depressed man the doctor advised him that all you need is to be happy and cheerful... :) So my prescription for you will be you going to the circus that’s happening in the city, where the joker there will make you happy and glad. To the Doctor’s surprise he told I am that Joker who entertains others. Nothing is real within me. I feel like ending my life.

Is there any hope for such a person? Will God help me to live a life he intended me to live in this earth? Is there any one whom I can rely for joy, happiness and hope?
The words of Blaise Pascal are very true in this context. “There is a God-shaped vacuum in each one of our hearts”. When we try satisfying our lives with all other things not keeping God in center then our lives are shallow and nothing really grips us. Only God can fit into our vacuum hearts and give true meaning to our living. He adds the rainbow to our smile. Will you let him reign supreme and have control over your life? Christ’s red letter words in John 16:33 read like this “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Mat 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Does these words not console our broken estranged spirit?

Yeah! Are we anyways thankful as a church, as an individual for this present life that God has given us to live? Let’s pause and thank him for a moment that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image. And remember that the quality of life is not measured in its duration but in its donation. So let’s introspect ourselves and consider what we can do with our present lives.And also try to help people around us who are very much hurt and broken.


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