Your Choice Matters

During my student days I heard this imaginative story and it made sense to me:

There was a small lad who had only one rupee coin in his hand and went to a sweet shop with his mom. Looking at the sweets displayed in the shop, his eyes went to and forth. The lad could not resist his temptation and started saying to his mom I want this. I want that. The mom gently replied son all that you have is just one rupee in your hand. You cannot buy so many things with it. Make a choice what sweet you need to buy with your one rupee coin.  

We have only one life to live in this world. But we wanted to do so many things with that.
It’s nothing wrong to be ambitious. But we need to make certain critical choices in our lives to keep us going forward.

It’s not how long we live, but how we live that matters.  


We all have to make choices in life, and often those choices result in significant consequences

Who we are today is because of the choice we made in our life.
We will have regrets in life if we failed to make right choices.
So how can I make the right choices?  Who can help me? 
"God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him."
- Jim Elliot

Few quotes on choices:

“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you” - John C. Maxwell

“Life is about choices: Some we regret, some we are proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The Message: We are what we chose to be”   - Graham Brown

"The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day." - Chuck Swindoll


Spiritual Dimension

As Iam speaking on the critical choice that we need to make in our life concerning our faith.
We need to understand that God has placed in us the spiritual dimension of knowing Him and also to believe in Him.
 It is Blaise Pascal, a famous French mathematician and philosopher, put it rightly like this:
"There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ."

 If we try to stuff anything but God into that God-shaped hole in our lives, we'll end up dissatisfied, restless, discontent. But fill that God-shaped vacuum with God. What do we find? In a word: contentment or fulfillment in life.

The problem with most of us is that we have substituted God with Materialism, work, wealth and pleasures of this present life. That God has no place in our lives. I believe that’s why we feel we are lonely in this world. That’s why we feel no one cares for us. No one loves me or accepts me.

I was browsing through one of the blog in the internet (

Our communication Wireless; Our business Cashless; Our telephone Cordless; Our cooking Fireless; Our youth Jobless; Our religion Creedless; Our food Fatless; Our faith Godless; Our labour Effortless; Our conduct Worthless; Our relationLoveless; Our attitude Careless; Our feeling Heartless;- Our politics Shameless; Our education Valueless; Our follies Countless; Our arguments Baseless; Our commitment Aimless; Our poor Voiceless; Our life Meaningless. Finally,Our Existence -USELESS????

When you allow God to take over your life, you will understand the meaning and purpose of your very existence. Otherwise we don’t have any purpose in our lives.
James Dobson – A Psychologist and a writer – said like this
When God doesn’t make sense, nothing else makes sense in our lives.
Another important thing to consider in the spiritual dimension is: God’s Disclosure of himself.
God has revealed himself to the world unless otherwise we cannot know him.
Purpose of God’s Revelation: It is for our good to believe and obey Him.  
The special revelation is none other than the scriptures that we are talking (The Holy Bible) and the person of Christ himself.
The choice is with you. But remember the choice that you make now on these matters have eternal consequences.
Whom to follow the rest of our life?
My story:
In 2001 as I was pursuing my studies I was in my late teen I made a critical choice in my life. To follow God in my life. As I read the Bible I understood that only one person could save me. I decided to commit my life to him to know him as my Personal God. He changed my attitude my perspective towards life.   
Today when I look back I don’t have any regrets in making that choice in my life.

Soren Kirgegarrd the Danish thinker said like this:  “Life can be understood backwards, which has been lived forwards. So therefore live life forwards”

Today who we are depends on the choice that you and I make in life.
Make a choice to know God in your life. Search for the real one and it is worth to follow Him the rest of your life.

Examples of people who made wrong choices??

Way back in 1998-99 I did my schooling in Nilgiris. I had a friend in my class xii. We are friends and we used to play cricket together. We used to sit together in the same bench in the class. But one day I heard the news that he ended his life, because of some strain in relationships. I really don’t know exactly the details. But I feel bad that he made a wrong choice in his life.

Is there anyone who is going through a similar struggle in finding meaning and purpose in life?
The scripture says like this. Listen to this:
“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land.”  - Deut 30:19,20
Listen to this conversation:

A sadhu (Guru) and a boy was having a conversation on the riverside. The boy wanted to fool the wise sadhu by doing something. So what he did was. One day he took a small sparrow in his hand and asked the sadhu. Is the sparrow in my hand dead or alive? The boy thought if the sadhu says that the bird is dead he will leave the bird to fly in the sky. If he says the bird is alive, he thought to strangle that bird and kill by his hands to fool him. But to the surprise of the boy the sadhu said the life or death of the bird depends on you. It’s in your hands.  

God is the solution to your problems. Give him the control of your life. He can direct your lives well.

Your choice Matters. Think about it!


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