What to do when we don’t know what to do... (Lockdown days)

1. Thank God that you are alive and able to breathe the air. Ask God why he has spared you?

2. Don’t be gripped by fear and anxiety as many leave this world. God is in complete control and our lives are in His hands.

3.Don’t be greedy to hoard more things. Spare for others and lend a helping hand to someone who is in need.

4. Skip a meal in a day (if you can) and feed the hungry and the needy ones (Isa 58).

5. Learn to be quiet in the presence of God and be silent before God.

6. Spend ample time in reading God’s word and meditate during these stormy times and record your notes as God speaks.

7. Keep yourselves industrious at home, cultivate a new habit, and share those fun experience with others.

8. Learn and master a new skill during this difficult time, that which can help you in the days to come.

9. Make a call to a friend who is in need of help, someone who is lonely and depressed that you can be a source of encouragement.

10. Set aside your mobile phone /gadgets for some time and spend quality time with your loved ones.

11. Create a blog and personally journal your thoughts about God, people whom you love, things that you cherish most.

12. Be wise and take all precautions in protecting yourselves (wear a mask, sanitize) and your family.  

13. As you wash your hands repeatedly, be reminded that the blood of Jesus alone can remove the dirt of your hearts (1 Jn 1:9).

14. Please do not forward immediately any fake news that you receive without verifying it. Let’s stop the lies.

15. Stay away from negative people and be positive in your thinking.

16. Learn to smile at others, it is contagious. You will not lose anything.  

17. Trust God, and do not fret (Psl 37).

18. Serve God in whatever ways he open doors for you (Rev 3:8).

19. Be always thankful!

20. Keep the faith and keep going through all your storms.


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